FREE Mechanical Videos
To Help You Make that Leap of Understanding.
I have taught every mechanical engineering undergraduate course, and I have always enjoyed finding a way to help my students understand mechanical concepts and apply them. That’s why I’m offering these free videos, to help people make that leap of understanding.
I originally created most of these videos as I come across topics in the MERM and NCEES Practice Exam that needed greater clarification. From the response we have received to them, the videos have turned out to be valuable to anyone studying these concepts. The video on Distributed Loads has been watched over 50,000 times and the other top videos on Slider-Crank, Vehicle Dynamics, Zero-force Members and other topics have been watched many thousands of times.
I plan to keep adding new free videos, and I hope they help you understand these topics better in ways that improve your success in your school work and your career.
– Dr. Tom

“Many of the prep course options seemed a little impersonal to me and offered very few samples of the course content that they offer. I noticed Dr. Tom was much more generous with his free content and explained himself very clearly. I was pretty much sold after I saw his videos on exam strategy. His course requires a lot of time and work, but he had a solid plan and he was there with us every step of the way. By the time exam day came around, I was very prepared and felt I had a realistic chance of passing this exam.
– Brian, PE, Taylor Machine Works, Starkville, Mississippi
Sample lessons from DTC Mechanical PE EXAM REVIEWS
These are lesson videos from our Mechanical PE Exam Review lessons for the new CBT exam format. They give you a good idea what the lessons are like.
Machine Design & Materials Exam - Sample Lessons
Thermal & Fluid Systems Exam - Sample Lessons
What the MERM Doesn’t Tell You Videos
The MERM has some major gaps and problematic approaches to various topics. The goal of these videos is to address these tricky concepts that are important to understand if you are taking any of the Mechanical Engineering PE Exams.
NCEES PE Mechancial Practice Exam Problems (Solution Tips)
You can purchase the NCEES Practice Exam for the PE exam you are taking at:
For PE Mechanical Machine Design & Materials Practice Exam Problem 28, the NCEES solution is fine, except there appears to be an inconsistency between the wording in the statement of the problem and the information shown in the solution as to what value of the shear force should be used.
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals Videos
These videos review several fundamental topics of Mechanical Engineering that are likely to appear on the Mechanical PE Exam.
This video has been quite popular and is a great place to begin your review of Fluid Mechanics, starting with Fluid Properties, including a discussion of viscosity for Couette and Poiseuille Flows.
This video on Fluid Properties was originally the second of three-part Study Strategy series on Fluid Mechanics topics found on the Mechanical PE Exam. With the many changes in the PE Exam since this was recorded, the first video was made obsolete, so it is no longer available.
This video on the Continuity Equation was originally the third of three-part Study Strategy series on Fluid Mechanics topics found on the Mechanical PE Exam. With the many changes in the PE Exam since this was recorded, the first video was made obsolete, so it is no longer available.
I suggest that you watch my Fluid Properties video before watching this one. This video continues our review Fluid Mechanic Fundamentals, focusing on the Continuity Equation. I begin with a discussion on the Types of Fluid Flow. Please let us know if you find it helpful. – Dr. Tom
In this video on Heat Exchangers, I go over LTMD Correction and the epsilon NTU method. It’s an important topic on the Thermal & Fluid Systems Mechanical PE Exam.
This video was originally a lesson in my review for the Thermal & Fluid Systems Mechanical PE Exam, and you’ll find lots more lessons like this in my review.
In this video on Welding Symbols, I go over the basics of using these symbols, based on the American Welding Society Standards. It’s an important topic to understand for the Machine Design & Materials Mechanical PE Exam.
This video was originally a lesson in my review for the Machine Design & Materials Mechanical PE Exam, and you’ll find lots more lessons like this in my review.
“Dr. Tom’s 20-week Thermal Fluid System course is the best option on the market, hands down. During my preparation, I was fortunate to have access to two other mainstream services. After a few weeks of using them concurrently, it was apparent that Dr. Tom’s classroom would be the most effective use of my time. His method is clear, consistent, and most of all – it works.”
– Aldo Leon II, PE, Entergy Nuclear, New Orleans, Louisiana