A new study by NASA released in June in the journal Nature Climate Change, projects an increase in coastal flooding due to a ‘wobble’ in the moon’s position relative to Earth. 

As the Moon circles the Earth, its angle relative to the equator changes over time. It’s nothing new – the ‘wobble’ was first reported in 1728. This cyclic phenomenon influences how tides ebb and flow. One half of the cycle suppresses the tides, making the high tides lower and the low tides higher; the second half amplifies them.

The next time the “amplification” phase is projected to occur is the mid-2030s, which NASA projects to begin a “decade of dramatic increases in the flood numbers.” The main cause of the increase will be the combination of the amplified tides with ongoing rises in sea level. 

The findings of the new study will be important for planning for resilient coastal communities. A high-tide flood tool already exists on the NASA team’s sea level portal, a resource for decision-makers and the general public. The flood tool will be updated in the near future with the findings from this recent study. – Beth Sciaudone, DTC Civil Water Resources & Environmental Instructor

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