There is a wealth of information out there on how to solve PE Exam problems. For any given class of problems, you can find many solution approaches. You may have even thought of additional, and quite valid, approaches on your own. However, seeking out a number of approaches has a troublesome downside. All you need is one right way to work a problem, but which one to use? You don’t want to make this decision during the exam; that can use up valuable time. You need to make that decision now, and commit to the solution you are going to use.

You are free to choose any solution you like, but in our PE Exam Reviews, we have worked to select the most direct and teachable solution approach for a class of problems, using an approach for each class of problems that is consistent and repeatable – “The Dr. Tom Method.” The feedback we have received from past participants is that it really does pay off for them on the exam. – Dr. Tom

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