FEATURED TESTIMONIAL – “I Trusted the DTC Method and I Passed!”

“Just got the results back for the ME: TFS Exam, and I passed. I believe the DTC method of taking the exam is the ultimate make or break in passing this exam. After going through Doctor Tom’s Classroom, I felt confident with all of the material with the exception of maybe cycles. As I went […]

New Device Reduces Emissions from Natural Gas Fired Heaters

Natural gas and oil fired boilers and space heaters represent a large use of fossil fuel energy in this country. The more heat that can be removed from the combustion gases, the more efficient the unit is and the lower the costs of operation. Higher efficiency also means less fuel fired and lower carbon emissions. […]

With DTC, Practice Makes Perfect

Poor time management during the exam. That is the most common reason our participants say kept them from passing the exam. With the clock ticking, especially on the CBT format exam, it’s easy to get thrown off your exam-day plan, waste time on difficult problems, realize the clock is running out, and panic. But it […]