Art and mechanics meet in Czech artist David Černý’ kinetic sculpture “The Head of Franz Kafka.” With 42 reflective, mechanized layers that rotate individually, it creates an every changing portrait of Kafka’s tortured psyche. It operates from 8AM to 9PM each hour for 15 minutes in Prague, Czechia. On a recent trip I was able to film this time lapse video that captures its mesmerizing moment. – Daniel Findley, DTC Engineering & Economics Instructors

Additional details about the sculpture:
Constructed in 2014
10.6 meters tall (including base)
42 independent rotating levels
21 motors
1 km of cables
39 tons
1,500 square meters of steel sheets
2,039 blueprints
1,800 hours of preparation
4,200 hours of production
2,900 hours of assembly

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