As humans we typically rely on facial expressions to determine the answer to this question for those we meet, even if they are just a passer-by. In texting we commonly use emojis to convey our emotions.
However, very soon we will be interacting with robots or drones in all sorts of situations. How will we determine if the robot or drone is Friend or Foe?
According to an ASME article, research being conducted at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beersheba, Israel is trying to determine how to answer this question. Jessica Cauchard, Assistant Professor, and one of the researchers on the project, says that they focused on four facial features for each robot or drone: eyes, eyebrows, pupils, and mouth. The emotions of joy, sadness, fear, anger, and surprise could be detected by research participants. However, disgust was poorly recognized.
Some of the comments by participants were very interesting, “I feel it looks like it recognizes me and wants to say hi.” Another said, “I feel kind of bad for the drone since it looks so sad. That makes me want to help it.”
Well one thing is for sure, if you order a pizza and when it arrives by drone you open the door and there it is with a pizza, you can be rest assured that the drone is Friend and definitely not Foe. – Dr. Tom
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