At DTC, we realize that the expense of exam prep makes embarking on preparation for the PE Exam even more daunting. That’s why we are committed to making it as stress free and affordable as possible for you to get started on your way to becoming a PE.
With our Test Drive option and our Pay-As-You-Go option, you can try out our courses for only $50 before you buy the full course, and there’s no obligation beyond your initial purchase. Once you decide the course is right for you, then pay all at once for the rest and save (Test Drive) or spread those payments out (Pay-As-You-Go). You can save even more if you Pay Up Front.
We hope these flexible payment options are helpful. Let us help you get on the path to passing the PE Exam!
“With better than competitive prices, effective teaching ability, and proven results, Dr. Tom’s Classroom is undeniably the best value in Mechanical Engineering PE exam preparation. His no-nonsense approach, coupled with a wide-ranging experience and clear explanations, validated my pick and was undoubtedly a key factor leading to my passing score on the exam. Thanks Dr. Tom!”
– Andrew Lipetzky, PE, Duke Energy, New Hill, NC
“Just finished the intro and it was great! I was skeptical about subscribing to anything and was planning on tackling it solo, but I’m certainly going to subscribe to Dr. Tom’s now.” – New DTC Participant
“Why choose Dr. Tom over the other courses available? 1. He is clear and easy to understand (My colleagues who took other PE review courses complained that they couldn’t understand their professors). 2. Concise study plan (The goal is to pass the test, not re-learn all of your college courses). 3. Cost (Compare it to other courses out there like I did. I think you will be glad you saved several hundred dollars and got a better review course).”
– Evan Tinker, PE, Argus Consulting Inc., Overland Park, KS