At Dr. Tom’s Classroom, we have worked hard to make our courses the absolute best preparation for the Mechanical PE Exams. We strive keep our courses as affordable as possible. We know that purchasing a PE Exam prep course is major investment, and we want make sure that your investment pays off with a passing result on the PE Exam. That’s why we’re so excited when we get reviews like this one:

“Dr. Tom’s Classroom is worth its weight in gold! After completing the 20-Week Course, I felt extremely confident and prepared walking into the exam. Using the methods taught by DTC, exam questions never felt overwhelming and I had all the tools required to quickly solve them.
DTC does a fantastic job breaking down the overwhelming amount of material covered on the exam, into manageable week long chapters that are easy to fit in with a full time working schedule. I highly recommend DTC to any future applicants as they begin their studies for the exam.”
– Thomas Gresko, PE, Valdes Engineering Company, Griffith, Indiana

Mechanical PE Exam Prep That Works
Pay-As-You-Go and Start for Only $50!

Dr. Tom’s Classroom – Achieve the Extraordinary