“I took the HVAC/Refrigeration PE exam for the first time and passed. I feel Dr. Tom’s class was not only very critical in my passing of the exam, but it was exactly what I was looking for in a review course. His class laid out the important subjects and gave me a guide to be successful. I was very pleased with all the materials the class gave to aid in my success – study guides, weekly schedules, practice problems, video lessons, and a question/answer forum. I feel if you are taking the HVAC/Refrigeration exam, Dr. Tom’s class will cover all topics you need. Thanks for all your help Dr. Tom!”
– Britt, PE, Alexandria, VA

“I PASSED!!!! Your step by step course really did make all the difference! I took the HVAC & Refrigeration exam. This was my third attempt at taking this thing. The first time I took an in-person PPI study course, a lot of theory, not great with the problem practice. The second time I tried to study on my own…not good. And my third time I found you and your course! Your class was really great because I felt like in every video, you genuinely and sincerely wanted to help us pass this test. The course is one of the most reasonably priced course I could find and discovering that it was also so amazing was really a pleasant surprise. Thank you so much for everything!”  
– Erica Kerr, PE, North Las Vegas, NV

“I passed the HVAC and Refrigeration exam! The first time I took the exam I studied on my own. The second time, I followed Dr. Tom’s 20-Week study plan as closely as I could. The structure that his lessons and problems provided was very helpful in refreshing my understanding of the concepts in each topic. Going into the exam, I felt very much more prepared than the first time. In fact, the exam seemed “easier,” which I can accredit to using Dr. Tom’s review course. Dr. Tom, thank you for your course and the passion that you display while teaching it.”
– Ryan Crawford, PE, Mebane, NC

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