At DTC, we take a targeted approach to preparing you for the PE Exam, and that means that we do not cover every topic that might appear on the exam. We focus on the high probability problems that can be quickly solved. And we’re always evaluating our courses to make sure we’re on target.
Since we completed our new CBT-aligned Mechanical Reviews in 2020, we have found that Engineering Economics problems offer an excellent opportunity to scoop up a few more points.
So we are happy to announce the addition of Engineering Economics Lessons and practice problems to our Mechanical PE Exam Reviews. We brought in Dr. Daniel Findley, PE to teach those lessons for us, and he has done an excellent job zeroing in on the essence of the topic and aligning his lessons to the Reference Handbook.
Our one goal is to help you pass the PE Exam, and we’re always working to find ways to do that better.