“I took the Thermal and Fluids CBT exam, and the first thing I want to say is: I PASSED! I was very happy to see that all of my hard work and discipline paid off. I went through your course in the standard 20 week timeline and put in 15-20 hours of studying per week. I did most of my studying after my normal work hours. After I completed your course I had 5 extra weeks for my final review. In that time I went back through the quizzes, challenge problems, and some of the specific lesson material, but I didn’t use any material outside of the DTC course.

Throughout the PE Exam, I was able to get into the rhythm of solving the problems I knew how to solve, while saving the more complex ones for my second pass through. I felt that the course material that was taught gave me all the knowledge I needed to solve most of the test problems, even though some of them varied from the problems I had worked in your class. My main focus was to stay true to the Dr. Tom 3-pass method, and I did just that. 

In 2016, I self-studied for this exam and failed. It took me five years to regain the courage needed to retake the exam, which makes this success all the better. Not only did I pass, but I felt confident throughout most of the exam, which was a unique feeling.

With that, I’d like to say thank you to you and your team for helping me in this journey. I do not believe I could have been successful without this class. The week leading up to the exam I kept repeating Dr. Tom’s mantra to myself, “I have the knowledge and skillset I need to pass this exam.” And I did!
– Chris Saville, Duke Energy, Charlotte, North Carolina

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