Having a BS degree in Aerospace Engineering, a recent ASME article titled, “5 Aerospace Technologies and Trends,” caught my eye. Noting the 5 technologies and trends identified in the article, it was clear that this article was important to mechanical engineers as well. In fact, I believe these technologies and trends will affect the entire engineering community.
I invite you to read the entire article, however here is a summary of the 5 technologies and trends taking place in the aircraft industry:
1) Electric Propulsion – Electric propulsion for automobiles is moving at a rapid pace already, however electric powered airplanes are in their infancy. Rolls-Royce just tested its “Spirit of Aviation” electric powered plane with a 15 minute flight over England (It is an interesting side note that Rolls was the first person in England to die in an airplane, one he purchased from the Wright Brothers.).
2) New Materials – Airplanes traditionally are constructed of 70% aluminum. That is expected to drop to 20% with new materials like titanium, graphite, fiberglass, reinforced epoxy, and ceramics.
3) 3D Printing – Originally 3D Printing was for manufacturing non-critical airplane parts, however new technologies are allowing critical parts to be manufactured via 3D Printing, even engine parts.
4) Maintenance and Repair – If an aluminum part is damaged, the damage can typically be seen. However, parts made with new materials require more sophisticated equipment to determine if a part is airworthy.
5) Digitization – As the article notes, this is one of the modern buzzwords in data acquisition and storage. It is envisioned that someday utilizing large data will allow parts to be identified before they break and then schedule the best time for them to be replaced.
There are certainly many other technologies and trends that will emerge creating what might be called a “new normal” for aviation manufacturing and operations. There is no doubt it will be exciting for those who choose to be challenged by technologies and trends yet to come. – Dr. Tom

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