A recent article in Metro News!, a publication directed to the world of Transit & Motorcoach Business, summarized nicely the upcoming changes in Positive Train Control, or PTC. The article by Julia Seredovich was titled “Next Generation of Positive Train Control: Unfolding Future Trends”. The term “Next Generation” has been the cornerstone of changes in the Aviation industry over the last 15 to 20 years or so, a system with objectives very close to the objectives associated with PTC for trains. The new PTC system will be called PTC 2.0. In fact, PTC was initiated about 20 years ago, with safety being the most important challenge. However, as we are all very aware, technology, especially associated with communications, has come a long way in 20 years.

And like the aviation and automotive/truck industries, the following goals are being pursued by PTC 2.0: increased operational efficiency, cybersecurity resistant communication systems, proactive maintenance infrastructure, both in hardware, software, and track systems, and seamless operation between companies using common components of the systems.

Unlike train visibility in Europe, both passenger and cargo, trains in the US are considered old technology. However, according to the article, trains have the smallest carbon footprint and stand to meet the 2050 emission standards sooner than other transportation systems. And what was interesting was that the first comment at the end of the article was by a someone with a PE. – Dr. Tom

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