Poor time management during the exam. That is the most common reason our participants say kept them from passing the exam. With the clock ticking, especially on the CBT format exam, it’s easy to get thrown off your exam-day plan, waste time on difficult problems, realize the clock is running out, and panic. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and DTC has designed our courses to prevent that from happening.
Like any stressful situation, the best way to conquer it is to acclimate yourself to it with repeated exposure. That’s why our new 20-Week CBT Mechanical Reviews include lots of opportunities to practice solving problems under exam-like conditions.
First you have a weekly assessment quiz that draws problems from that week’s topics. This is your first opportunity to test your understanding and ability to solve related problems. Questions are presented on the screen, much like the real exam, and we recommend that you replicate exam conditions as closely as possible, using the onscreen Reference Handbook as your only reference.
Then every five weeks, you have a practice exam that pulls 10 questions from the previous five weeks of the course. This practice exam is timed and you have one hour to complete it.
At the end of the course, you go deeper with two two-hour final practice exams that have questions from the full course, and provide you with a very realistic exam experience.
This combination of quizzes and practice exams throughout the course allows you to build your confidence and comfort with the exam conditions, so that you are calm and focused on exam day. Just another reason by DTC courses are the best.