The world of drones has exploded over the last 20 years. From small drones a child can use, to ones used by the military for missions thousands of miles away. However, a recent c/net article is about what could be the most exciting family of drones ever. They are called “Saildrones” and are powered by wind and solar panels. You can’t buy one, only contract with the company for the data they collect, which is extensive to say the least – ocean and weather data, fish stock populations, mapping the ocean floor using sonar technology.
There is no way I could do justice at describing these drones and their mission, so I will just direct you to the video that is part of the CNET article. It runs about 20 minutes, but you will definitely not get bored. It is incredible what the various size Saildrones are doing. So, enjoy – Dr. Tom
P.S. The original Seven Seas were the Artic,  Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Mediterranean, Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico.

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