Parallel Parking – Friend or Foe?
Probably the biggest challenge in getting your driver’s license, and then for the remainder of your driving career, is parallel parking. My wife, bless her heart, passed her driving test long ago, but to her parallel parking is to be avoided at all costs. For myself, it is a challenge I cannot resist, even if […]
Coming Soon! Episode #1 of “Let’s Talk PE!” the DTC Podcast – Why Get Your Mechanical PE?
Dr. Tom knows LOTS about how to become a Professional Engineer and how to pass the PE Exam. Now, for the first time he’s going to share his wisdom in his very first video podcast. In Episode #1, Dr. Tom sits down with Dr. Daniel Findley, PE to have a lively discussion on why Mechanical […]
The Amber Fort of India – Ancient Marvel Meets Modern Transportation
The Amber Fort (also known as the Amer Fort and/or Amer/Amber Palace) is surrounded by one of the longest walls in the world and is located near the City of Jaipur, India – the capital of the state of Rajasthan. The traditional way to access the Fort is riding an elephant up the hill to […]
Only One Year Ago – The Neal Armstrong Award of Excellence – A Night to Remember
One year ago, I had the honor of attending the presentation of the 2022 Neal Armstrong Award of Excellence to one of my former students at NCSU, Trent Kingery. As they prepare to honor this year’s recipient, Andrew Jones, and 2023 recipients of the scholarships awarded by the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, it seems like a […]
Would You Like to Earn More Money?
If someone asked you “Would you like to earn more money?,” your answer would most likely be “Is this a trick question?” But there are concrete steps you can take to earn more money as a mechanical engineer. In a recent ASME article, titled “8 Ways Engineers Can Boost Their Income,” guess what Number 1 […]
On Professional Engineers Day – What’s Your Dream?
Dreams are our most powerful motivators, and I contend that engineering is the profession of dreams. The standards set to become a licensed professional engineer are high, as they should be, and as they have been for over a hundred years. Passing the PE exam, along with other educational and experience credentials, are the standards […]
Dr. Tom Explains How to Get Your PE!
Watch our video! In this short video, “Mechanical Engineers – It’s Time to Get Your PE!,” Dr. Tom explains why his courses work so well and why they are absolutely the courses you should take to help you pass the PE exam. Becoming a Professional Mechanical Engineer will open up a world of career possibilities […]
Guacamole Robot
The extent of robot applications is increasing at an exponential rate, many being used in very sophisticated and complex processes. But what about making guacamole? Yes, the Chipotle restaurant chain has partnered with Vebu, a robot development company that created “Autocado” (yep, that’s the name) to cut, core, and peel 25 pounds of avocadoes at […]
“Save Hundreds and Get a Better Course”
“I followed the course, watched the lectures, worked the problems, did the quizzes, submitted questions on the online forums and then I passed the test. There were many nights that I was worn out and it took everything I could muster just to stay awake to watch a lecture or do a problem, but I was […]
What Happens in Schools Doesn’t Stay in Schools
Parents send their children to school to learn and what they learn will benefit them later in life, of course. But some of the lessons also hit home. The Alliance to Save Energy reports that lessons provided to K-12 schools typically lower energy use by 5 to 15% in the schools. Most of this is […]