In a recent article published by “The Conversation,” the challenges of anchoring offshore wind turbines are discussed. This particular article caught my attention as the problems of anchoring wind turbines in deep water involves a great many areas of mechanical engineering. The article states that “more than 5,000 turbines must be installed each year until 2050 to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C.” That is “a lot” of wind turbines, many of which will be as tall as a skyscraper. And while many will be located in relatively shallow water so that they can be supported directly to the sea floor, a significant number will need to be located in very deep water. These “floating” wind turbines will require some very innovative anchoring system designs. The article has several very interesting drawings and photos showing the various current designs and provides information as to the pro’s and con’s of each design.

When you think about an anchor for a yacht, the requirements pale by comparison to what is needed to hold a massive wind turbine in place. I highly recommend this article and the challenges it presents so that anchors are “not away!” – Dr. Tom

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