OK, I know that’s every beer lover’s dream, but the folks at the San Diego International Airport and East Village Brewing Company have made it happen – sort of. The airport has lots of air conditioning units that cool the air in the buildings and jet bridges. Rather than letting it simply drip on the ground or run into the sewer, airport officials are collecting it for a novel purpose.

The East Village Brewing Company takes the water and purifies it through reverse osmosis and ozone treatment (because who wants to drink HVAC condensate?). Pre-Flight Pils and Hoppy Trails are made with the water, which brewers says contains few minerals and makes for the perfect base for beer. Since Southern California is in the midst of long-term drought, using reclaimed water is a great way to be environmentally conscious.

So, it’s not exactly beer from nothing, but it does come from water vapor in the air…which is still pretty cool and refreshing on a hot, humid day – which in turn helps make more water for beer! Watch a short video that shows the steps of the process. – Steve Terry, HVAC & Refrigeration Instructor

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