PE EXAM TIP – Have Only One Way to Work a Problem

There is a wealth of information out there on how to solve PE Exam problems. For any given class of problems, you can find many solution approaches. You may have even thought of additional, and quite valid, approaches on your own. However, seeking out a number of approaches has a troublesome downside. All you need […]

Charge While You Shop – Solar Parking Lots

Internal combustion vehicles run out of gas, electric powered vehicles run out of electrons. However, IC vehicles usually do not have a problem finding a gas station, whereas EV’s have a big problem finding charging stations. An idea posed in a recent ASME article is to construct solar panel roofs over parking lots, in particular parking […]

FEATURED TESTIMONIAL – “Dr. Tom Does a Sterling Job”

“If it wasn’t for Dr Tom’s encouraging and clarifying teaching style, I doubt I’d ever have the courage take on the Thermal and Fluids Systems PE exam. In fact, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer were the areas in which I was struggling the most in college, some twenty years ago. Dr Tom’s course made these ‘difficult’ subjects seem […]

PE EXAM TIP – Make the Reference Handbook Your Own

Mechanical Engineers, for better or worse, the NCEES Reference Handbook will be your only reference during the PE Exam, so becoming as familiar as possible with what is in it and how to find what you need should be top priority. You don’t need to know where everything is, but you should be very familiar […]

MECHANICAL PE EXAM TIP – Units, Units Units!!!

If I wasn’t Dr. Tom, I’d be Dr. Units. I cannot tell you how many times units are the reason someone gets the wrong answer to a problem. It might be as simple as inches needed to be converted to feet, or the other way around. Or, it is a combination of units like gallons per minute […]

Sinkhole Swallows Florida Lake

Lake Jackson in the Florida Panhandle was once known by Native Americans as “Okeeheepkee” or “Disappearing Waters” – it rests above a thin layer of clay, underneath which lies dry, porous limestone. It’s been the site of multiple “dry-downs,” most recently in June 2021. When the weight of the water in the lake becomes too […]

PE EXAM TIP – Make the Reference Handbook Your Own

Mechanical Engineers, for better or worse, the NCEES Reference Handbook will be your only reference during the PE Exam, so becoming as familiar as possible with what is in it and how to find what you need should be top priority. You don’t need to know where everything is, but you should be very familiar […]

PE EXAM TIP – Have Only One Way to Work a Problem

There is a wealth of information out there on how to solve PE Exam problems. For any given class of problems, you can find many solution approaches. You may have even thought of additional, and quite valid, approaches on your own. However, seeking out a number of approaches has a troublesome downside. All you need […]

MECHANICAL PE EXAM TIP – Units, Units Units!!!

If I wasn’t Dr. Tom, I’d be Dr. Units. I cannot tell you how many times units are the reason someone gets the wrong answer to a problem. It might be as simple as inches needed to be converted to feet, or the other way around. Or, it is a combination of units like gallons per minute […]

CBT PE EXAM TIP – Make the Reference Handbook Your Own

For better or worse, with the new computer-based exam format, the NCEES Reference Handbook will be your only reference during the exam. So becoming as familiar as possible with what is in it and how to find what you need should be top priority. You don’t need to know where everything is, but you should […]